IOANNIS THEODORAKIS - Profesores Adscritos
Grados Académicos:
Doctorado en Mercadotecnia y Comunicación, Universidad de Atenas de Economía y Negocios
Maestría en Mercadotecnia y Comunicación, Universidad de Atenas de Economía y Negocios
Licenciatura en Gestión y Administración de Negocios, Universidad de Piraeus
Ioannis G. Theodorakis earned his Ph.D. in Marketing from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). He also holds an M.Sc. in Marketing and Communication from AUEB and a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Piraeus. His doctorate research supported by an awarded scholarship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (???) (national examination – the academic year 2006-2007), concentrated on consumers’ cognitive, affective and attitudinal responses toward the use of visual-verbal rhetorical practices within controversial marketing communication contexts. In addition, funded by AUEB’s program titled Action 2 - Support for postdoctoral researchers (academic years 2012-2014), Dr. Theodorakis was able to follow up on his doctorate studies by closely investigating consumer effects produced by the application of figurative devices such as that of metaphor, applied in controversial advertising frames.
Currently, Dr. Theodorakis is an Assistant Professor-Researcher in Marketing at INSEEC Grande École INSEEC U. in Paris, France. Also, he is a visiting affiliated Professor at Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) in Mexico. At INSEEC U., Dr. Theodorakis teaches a variety of courses including intercultural marketing and consumer psychology, consumer behavior, introduction to marketing, research methodology, and others. In addition, beyond his teaching activity, he holds administrative tasks including the coordination of a major (International Business Management). At UDLAP, Dr. Theodorakis teaches additional courses such as branding, sensory marketing, and advanced topics in consumer psychology.
Following, Dr. Theodorakis conducts research concentrating on marketing and communication-related issues. More precisely, by grounding mostly in an experimental research design approach Dr. Theodorakis’ scientific investigation delves into the effects of using visual and verbal advertising rhetoric; centers on the impact of taboos and controversy in promotion communication; and concentrates on the human reactions to marketing stimuli dependent upon consumers’ experienced psychological distance and mental construing. In addition, based on both an exploratory and a descriptive research design approach Dr. Theodorakis focuses on the conceptual nature as well as the business dynamics of applied marketing strategic orientations. As such, Dr. Theodorakis’ work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Advertising, and Corporate Reputation Review. Moreover, his work has appeared in many peer-reviewed conference proceedings (American Marketing Association, American Academy of Advertising, European Academy of Management, and the European Marketing Academy among others).
Furthermore, related to his research activity, Dr. Theodorakis contributes to the international research community by acting as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of prestigious journals such as those of Current Psychology, Developmental Psychology, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Marketing Management, and others.
Finally, apart from Greek which is his mother language, Dr. Theodorakis can speak fluently English and Spanish while he holds a good level in French. He likes studying literature, philosophy, and art history. He loves traveling and meeting people from other cultures. He also loves music, he is a vinyl collector, and co-founder of an independent record label which has made over twenty-five record releases most of which have been sold-out. Finally, he loves sports and he is a marathon runner.