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Degrees: Doctorado en Ingeniería con Especialidad en Geotécnia, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble I. Maestro en Ingeniería , Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Ingeniero Civil, Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca.
Areas of interest: mezclas asfálticas, modulo dinámico, fatiga, geosintéticos, geomateriales
Rosemberg Reyes Ramírez is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Technological Institute of Oaxaca, Master in Land Roads graduated from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Doctor in Engineering with a specialization in geotechnical surface in the area of geosynthetics, degree granted by the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France . In the professional exercise he has worked as a construction site resident and head of studies and projects in land routes in various companies, adviser in the area of geotechnical tracks and under construction with geosynthetic materials. From 2003 to date he is a full-time professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of the Americas School of Engineering Puebla and since 2012 as an instructor in the design of asphalt mixtures with AMAAC protocol and evaluator in the program Interlaboratories in the Mexican Association of Asphalt AC (AMAAC). Gremialmente belongs to the Mexican Society of Mechanics of Soils, the Mexican Association of Engineering of Land Roads A.C., the College of Civil Engineers of Puebla, the Mexican Association of Asphalt A.C. and the International Society of Geosynthetics. active member in the tables or committees of the professional societies mentioned and President of the Mexican chapter of the International Society of Geosintéticos. In research the areas of work are those of high performance asphalt mixtures and the mechanical behavior of geosynthetic materials. |