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Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología , Instituto Politécnico Nacional .
Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología, Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
Químico Farmacobiólogo, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.


Areas of interest:

Desinfección de agua, Biorremediación, Toxicología de nanomateriales, Nuevos antibioticos
PhD and Master in Sciences with specialty in Microbiology held by the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico). He made her PhD thesis in the Department of Biochemistry Health Center at the University of Connecticut, USA. He obtain his licenciature in Chemistry and Pharmaceutic and Biology by the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla. Actually is member of the National Research System level II. He also is member of different scientific societies as American Society of Microbiology, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and the American Chemistry Society.
During his research activities, he has been involve in different research activities as: 1) the molecular studies of sporulation and germination of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis; 2) molecular study of differential virulence gene display of the amoeba Entamoeba hystolitica; 3) isolation and selection of different microorganisms with capacity to degrade phenolic compounds from industrial wastewater to use in bioremediation of soils and water polluted; 4) water disinfection processes using advanced oxidation processes with photo-catalyzers; 5) isolation of different antimicrobial compounds from medicine plants; 6) use of novel nanomaterials as new antimicrobials; 7) isolation and characterization on novel anti-inflammatory compounds from medicine plants; 8) developing new anticancer products.
The labor experience of Dr. Sanchez include the position of assistant researcher at the CINVESTAV-IPN from 1993 to 1998, has been part of the scientific evaluators board of CONACYT in of different programs as “State Mix founds”, State Adviser of Technology and Sciences in Puebla State. During his life, he made four abroad research stays, three in the Department of Biochemistry Health Center at the University of Connecticut and the most recent in the DCU (Dublin City University) Water Institute, Dublin, Ireland. Has been speaker invited in 26 events. He has been participate in 41 national scientific meetings and 49 international. He has been director of 75-bachelor research thesis, 26-Master thesis, and 10-PhD thesis. He had publish 47 international scientific papers, 5 in national journals. Six “in Extenso” publications on International memories, and eight international book chapters. He obtain the Government State Sciences "Luis Rivera Terrazas" Award in 2019.
Actually, he is full time professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences of the Universidad de las Americas Puebla, where he has been part of different committees to create different bachelor programs as "Pharmaceutical Sciences", "Clinical Biochemistry", "Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering", "Nutrition Sciences", "Medicine" and "Nursing". From 2019, he is head of the Doctorate in Water Sciences at Engineering School at the Engineering School.
For him, the scientific research is crucial to develop new data and seek the truth. Describe himself as dynamic; open to new ideas, friendly and tolerant. He seek to go deep in the knowledge and innovate in new things, he consider that marvel things no necessarily should be complicated. He enjoy teaching and the best he likes is when students surprise when they realize about something clarifying the doubts. He likes to share his motivation and try to convince each student about their high capacity to learn and integrate different disciplines to do new applications on different life fields.


Producción de investigación


Formación de recursos humanos, tesis dirigidas

Uso de Levaduras ligninolíticas para la degradación de lignina y sus subproductos de efluentes de la industria papelera,

Desarrollo de Nanopartículas Mesoporosas Reciclables de ZnO para Tratamiento de Agua y Desinfección,

Uso de Levaduras ligninolíticas para la degradación de lignina y sus subproductos de efluentes de la industria papelera,

Congresos Nacionales

Evaluación de remoción de azufre en agua mediante diversos materiales y un composite (Magnetita, L-Cisteína y Sílica), Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: Encuentro Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en la Ingeniería Química

Study of TiO2 nanostructures as photoactive elements for water decontamination, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: Taller de Tratamiento de Agua con tecnologías Sustentables. Febrero 2020. CINVESTAV-IPN. Mexico

Isolation and characterization of microalgae from WWTP for biogranules improvement., Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: Seminario del Programa de Honores-UDLAP, Cholula, Puebla. Diciembre de 2020.

Captación y efecto de nanopartículas Core- Shell Au@Fe3O4 y Fe3O4@Au en células de adenocarcinoma pulmonar A549 irradiadas con luz IR y uso potencial como anticancerígeno, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: Seminario del Programa de Honores-UDLAP, Cholula, Puebla. Diciembre de 2020.

Estudio de la actividad antioxidante de la Niacina y su efecto sobre la longevidad de Caenorhabditis elegans., Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: Seminario del Programa de Honores-UDLAP, Cholula, Puebla. Diciembre de 2020.

Degradation of organic matter and nutrients by aerobic biogranulation., Tipo de participación: Ponencia Oral Nombre del congreso: 4º Congreso de Ingeniería, Ciencia y Gestión Ambiental (AMICA), que en esta edición se une con la 5ª Conferencia Internacional de Greening of Industry Network (GIN)

Aislamiento de levaduras de bagazo de caña para degradación de lignina., Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: VI Seminario de formación de habilidades profesionales con Perspectiva de Género. Red Mexciteg, BUAP, UAEM y CONACYT.

Congresos Internacionales

Alga-bacteria consortium: A low-cost option in wastewater treatment, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: ACS Spring

Development of magnetic ZnO nanoparticles for wastewater disinfection, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: ACS Spring 2021

Technologies for removal of sulfates in water for human consumption: A review, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: ACS Spring

Use of Ligninolytic Yeasts for Phenols Removal in Synthetic Wastewater, Tipo de participación: Ponencia Oral Nombre del congreso: 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2021)

Enhancement of graphene oxide antibacterial activity in solution, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: NT21: International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials

Combinación de levaduras ligninolíticas para remoción de derivados fenólicos en aguas industriales , Tipo de participación: Ponencia Oral Nombre del congreso: #LatinXChem Twitter Conference 2021

Role of reactive oxygen species on photocatalytic activity of Ti0 2 Si0 2 composite coatings processed at low temperatura., Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: 3rd International Symposium on Recent Progress of Energy and Environmental Photocatalysis

Isolation of ligninolytic yeasts from sugar cane luggage for lignin degradation, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition in San Diego, CA. USA

Photocatalytic core-shell magnetic ZnO nanostructure, Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition in San Diego, CA. USA

Improvement velocity of sedimentation by biogranules in an aerobic batch reactor., Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition in San Diego, CA

Artículos de investigación

A review of technologies for the removal of sulfate from drinking water, Nombre de la revista: Water and Environment Journal, Volumen: 37, Número: 4, Páginas: , DOI: DOI: 10.1111/wej.12889, ISSN: 17476585

Ketorolac removal through photoelectrocatalyis using TiO2 nanotubes in water system, Nombre de la revista: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volumen: , Número: , Páginas: , DOI: , ISSN: 9441344, 16147499

Isolation and test of novel yeast strains with lignin usage capability and phenolic compound resistance, Nombre de la revista: MicrobiologyOpen,, Volumen: 11, Número: e1326, Páginas: , DOI: DOI: 10.1002/mbo3.1326, ISSN: 20458827

Electrostatically charged rutile TiO2 surfaces with enhanced photocatalytic activity for bacteria inactivation, Nombre de la revista: Catalysis Today,, Volumen: xxx, Número: xxx, Páginas: , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2022.01.002, ISSN: 09205861

Role of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous on granulation and settling velocity in wastewater treatment. , Nombre de la revista: ,, Volumen: 40, Número: , Páginas: , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2021.101967, ISSN:

Key parameters to enhance the antibacterial effect of graphene oxide in solution, Nombre de la revista: RSC Advances,, Volumen: 11, Número: xxx, Páginas: , DOI: DOI: 10.1039/d0ra07945f, ISSN: 20462069

Hydroxyl Radical Generation by Recyclable Photocatalytic Fe3O4ZnO Nanoparticles for Water Disinfection, Nombre de la revista: ,, Volumen: 13, Número: , Páginas: , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1178622120970954, ISSN:

Enhanced photocatalytic bacterial inactivation of atomic-layer deposited anatase-TiO2 thin films on rutile-TiO2 nanotubes, Nombre de la revista: ,, Volumen: 19, Número: , Páginas: , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/C9PP00348G, ISSN:

Influence of selected reactive oxygen species on photocatalytic activity of TiO2SiO2 composite coatings processed at low temperature., Nombre de la revista: ,, Volumen: 1, Número: , Páginas: , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.119685, ISSN:

Recyclable and Photocatalytic Properties of ZnFe2O4ZnO for Wastewater Treatment and Disinfection., Nombre de la revista: ,, Volumen: 5, Número: , Páginas: , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202003357, ISSN:

Study on the photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide nanostructures: Nanoparticles, nanotubes and ultra-thin films, Nombre de la revista: Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences,, Volumen: 341, Número: , Páginas: , DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2018.05.033, ISSN: 1474905X

Libros Editorial Nacional

Agua, cambio climático y eventos extremos Artículos de difusión seleccionados 2017-2021, ISBN: 9786078674602

Libros Editorial Internacional

Technology, Science and Culture: A Global Vision, Volume III, ISBN: 9781839694424

Technology, Science and Culture: A Global Vision, Volume III, ISBN: 9781839694424

Citas por otros autores





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