Return to the list of teachers» | | VÍCTOR ALEJANDRO BRIZUELA GARCÍA
Degrees: Maestría en Teoría del Diseño, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Maestría en Diseño Gráfico, Nationaal Hoger Instituut en Koninklijke Academie voor schoone kunsten Antwerpen. Diseñador de la Comunicación Gráfica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco.
Areas of interest: Diseño, Información, Semiótica, Cultura, Comunicación
Alejandro Brizuela is Information Designer, discipline from which is a fervent promoter in Mexico since 1997 . He is full professor at the University of the Americas Puebla where he coordinates the Theory area in the Information Design Department. He is PhD candidate from the University of Montreal in the program of Communication. He obtained an MFA from the Higher Institute of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium. He also has a MA in Design Theory from the University of the Americas Puebla. His research work deals with the mediating practices in the social construction of cultural identities. His consultancy includes organizational communication as well as information interaction and his graphic work has been recognized with individual exhibitions and grants. |