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Maestría en Música con Especialidad en Dirección de Orquesta, Universidad de Massachusetts Amherst.
Licenciatura en Música, Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Areas of interest:

Musicología, Pedagogía musical, Tecnología de la música, Producción musical, Dirección musical de orquesta, ópera, teatro musical y ballet.
Iliana Fuentes Ordaz has a Master in Music with a concentration in Orchestral Conducting from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a Certificate in Music History pedagogy. In this institution she was the Assistant Conductor of UMass Symphony Orchestra and Principal Conductor of the All University Orchestra. She holds a Bachelor´s degree from Universidad de las Américas, Puebla where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and later worked as Coordinator and Assistant Conductor of UDLAP´s Orquesta Symphonia.

She has taken orchestral conducting lessons with Morihiko Nakahara and Sergio Castro Medina and has attended conducting workshops taught by Fernando Lozano, María Teresa Rodríguez, Diane Wittry and Luis Manuel Sánchez Rivas, to name a few. While at UDLAP, she took choral conducting lessons with Gisela Crespo and was also a member of her Chamber Choir where she participated in numerous national and international festivals and where she had the chance to learn choral conducting from renowned teachers such as María Felicia Pérez Arroyo, José Antonio Méndez Valencia, Jonathan Griffith and José Rivera. She also collaborated with the recording of two CDs with the Chamber Choir.

Academically, her research interests are varied and include music pedagogy, musicology, technology and informatics as tools for musical analysis, music cognition and audio recording and editing techniques.


Producción de investigación


Congresos Internacionales

“Racial and Gender Bias in Musical Assessments” , Tipo de participación: Cartel Nombre del congreso: Society for Music Perception and Cognition SMPC

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