Spending 2 years in la UDLAP has been an amazing experience, as much in my studies as in my personal life. I have learnt how to work with people from all over the world in an incredible environment. I have made the most of weekends and holidays to visit the country and see all types of sceneries. Studying in Mexico has been a perfect way of completing my studies in France associating two very different types of teaching and cultures.
Thanks to its strategic geographical location, Mexico is like a bridge between two completely different worlds: the English north and the Spanish south. When studying in UDLAP, the university gives you the chance to experience both at once. American and Mexican teachers bring you a complete vision of Americas and make you feel confident with both languages. The excellence of the university and the diversity of the teaching staff are two necessities for international exchanges. UDLAP can count on it, and spending those 2 years here is the best thing I could have dreamed of for my studies.
Theory and practice are both important for the university and the UDLAP education gives a real capacity of being adaptable and operational in a company. Moreover, the simplicity of travelling and the pleasant Mexican weather will impulse you to discover al the secrets of that rich country!
Exchanging 2 years in UDLAP is a guaranty that you will get an international baggage for your future professional career!
When I applied for the Double Degree Program, I just had one thing in mind it was having an international background. My time at the UDLAP has exceeded my expectations and then some.
Mexico has been one of the best choices that I have made in my life. Studying at UDLAP gave me the opportunity to learn a new culture, new language and have many lasting experiences. The UDLAP is one of the most well-known universities in Mexico and throughout Latin America that offers a unique studying approach. UDLAP is a university that offers their students many extra curricular activities including traveling, meeting international students, and conferences.
One thing that I will never forget is the beauty of the UDLAP´s campus. The University has about 8000 students and the campus welcomes all of them. It provides every student the comfort of home, so that they can focus on class and their studies.
Another great thing about the UDLAP are the professors and faculty. They are always available to help the students with any problems that they may encounter. All the services UDLAP gives to their students are amazing and I overall found the beauty and organization of UDLAP, a masterpiece!
My opinion about this experience has been extremely positive and I recommend the UDLAP to all international students.
First of all thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to study one semester at the UDLAP. I really enjoyed it and I will recommend it to everyone, as my time there was excellent.
The Mexican culture is so rich in variety that it would take us so much more time to discover all its facets. Especially the openness and friendliness of the Mexicans is impressive and all the different traditions like the “dia de los muertos” or the huge markets with all the fresh fruits and vegetables. Lonely beaches and turtles at Huatulco, delicious Mexican hot chocolate with “pan dulce” in Oaxaca and huge rain forests with little indigenous villages and huge waterfalls in Cuetzalan are only some of the highlights from many trips I did during my time in Mexico.
The MBA courses we took at UDLAP all had a very high level of quality, were as practical orientated as it gets in a course at university and especially having class with young professionals from Mexico made classes at UDLAP to an excellent experience. The support from the side of the professors was great and we gained lots of experiences how it is to work in an international team with members that have completely different backgrounds and ways of finding solutions. We did spend a lot of time on the beautiful campus of the UDLAP, enjoyed the great work atmosphere and all the sport courses which are offered.
I met so many great people and learned to know some of my best friends in Mexico. Without them my way too short time in Mexico wouldn’t have been so special and full of great adventures and I have to thank them for all the great moments we had together.
All us German students already miss Mexico so much. We are often thinking back of our time at the UDLAP and sometimes we would love.
Este año en la UDLAP es maravilloso, la vida es muy agradable y siempre hay cosas que hacer y eventos en el campus. Ser estudiante internacional no me impide participar en todas actividades de la universidad. Este año, aprendí varias cosas en clase, pero también aprendí a conocerme más. Entré en el equipo de Pom-Pom Girls y ahora sé que soy muy deportiva, algo que no sabía antes.
La experiencia vivida en Puebla, México fue única y maravillosa, la Universidad de las Américas Puebla es una excelente institución, me hizo crecer tanto personal como profesional, los profesores que me guiaron durante este proceso fueron comprensivos y amigables, ayudándonos en todo. Conocí personas de diversos lugares del mundo, cultivando amistades grandiosas que durarán muchísimo tiempo. Sin duda alguna es una experiencia que recomiendo a todos los jóvenes y no me arrepiento de haberla vivido. Yo comparto mi experiencia para que así otras personas se decidan a vivirla y ojalá eligiendo UDLAP.
My time in Mexico could be considered as one of the best experiences of my life. After already have done a year exchange previously, I was ready to see how my exchange in Mexico would compare. I wasn't disappointed! Fun, Friends and Food are a few words that could describe my 5 months in this wonderful and exciting country and at the beautiful UDLAP. I was so suprised to see how much Mexico had to offer to me on my exchange, the travel possibilities are endless and Mexico offers a huge variety of landscapes and vibrant places to explore. I don't think I have ever travelled as much as I did in my stay in Mexico. Studying at UDLAP was also extremely enjoyable. The campus provides a great environment for students and all the staff and students were very welcoming and friendly. I will never forget my stay in Mexico and my time at UDLAP, I have made some of my best friends, tried some of the most amazing food ever and more than anything enjoyed myself more than is humanly possible.
Llegué a México con muchas expectativas. Ahora puedo decir que mis experiencias superaban todo lo que podía imaginar. Tuve la posibilidad de conocer una cultura completamente diferente que la mía y me gustó muchísimo. Aprendí mucho en los últimos meses, no sólo en las clases de mi carrera sino de la gente, su punto de vista, su vida y de las tradiciones mexicanas. A mí me impresiona mucho el espíritu abierto y la cordialidad de la gente. Tengo muchos amigos nuevos de México y de otros partes del mundo y muchas experiencias más que no querría desaprovechar. Las impresiones y experiencias de estudiar en la UDLAP, de vivir con mexicanas y de conocer a la cultura mexicana, el país y mis amigos me van a influir mucho en el futuro.
Los últimos cuatro meses definitivamente fueron de los mejores de mi vida. Estudiar en la UDLAP fue la mejor decisión y me gustaría quedarme más tiempo en este país para vivir, conocer y descubrir más.
UDLAP was a wonderful place to call home during my time in Mexico. From day one, UDLAP was there for me. As soon as I stepped out of customs in Mexico City I was greeted by some very sweet and friendly UDLAP students who helped me find my way to Puebla and gave me great advice to make the most of my Mexico adventure. I’ll never forget walking onto campus for the first time. I was in a different country and did not know a single person, the language, or really anything about the culture. Even with all those fears though, I felt at peace. UDLAP was a safe haven that supported me throughout my adventure. The faculty and students are the nicest people on Earth. I will forever be grateful for their open arms and generosity. ¡Gracias por todo UDLAP!
My time in UDLAP has been nothing short of AMAZING. Settling into UDLAP was made easy with all the help provided before coming to Mexico. During my semester there I was able to expose myself to a wide range of classes, from artistic modules like Serigraphy to Sociolinguistics to business modules like Sales Force. Everyone I met in class and out of class was so friendly and warm and did all they can to make sure that I felt at home. I have made friends whom I know I will keep for a long time to come. Their openness and passion for life inspired me to be better. It has been 11 weeks since I left and I miss my profs, friends and the sight of manicured grass and trees.