Pagos y colegiaturas - Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Pagos y colegiaturas - Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Tuition and Fees

Costs and Fees

Program Cost per unit
Mexican pesos
Spring 2025
Undergraduate $3,590
On campus Master / Hybrid Master $4,440
Doctorate $4,800
  • Fees subject to change without previous notice.

Residential Colleges

We offer a unique concept of residences for students in Mexico. We have four Residential Colleges: Cain-Murray, Ray Lindley, Ignacio Bernal and José Gaos.

Type of Room
Semester programs
Cost per unit
Mexican Pesos
Spring 2025
Shared Room $30,180
Individual Room $35,785
Individual Room Plus $45,200
Admission fee to Residential Colleges (one-time fee) $5,125
  • Fees subject to change without previous notice.
  • Does not apply to exemption due to withdrawal or cancellation from Residential Colleges.

Other fees

Description Cost 2024
Mexican pesos
School Services
Program Change $1,450
Cover Letter $320
Notarized copy for foreign document $795
Notarized copy for national document $615
Official transcript (Ministry of Education seal) $500
Certified copy of official document $1,520
Proof of Studies $300
Proof of Studies (English version) $440
Official Syllabus copy $295
Official program copy $425
Socio-economic study $1,530
Photocopy of School Record Document $95
Filling out forms (IMSS, ISSSTEP, etc.) $230
Official transcript (UDLAP seal) $450
Replacement student ID Card $550
Courier Service for Documents Issued by Student Services
Domestic shipment $500
International shipment (USA and Canada) $1,150
International shipment (rest of the world) $1,650
Change Program (cost per course) $525
Credit by exam
Courses equal to or less than 4 units
Undergraduate 2 units at current cost
Courses equal to or greater than 6 units
Undergraduate 50% of the total number of course units
Comparability study
Technical opinion letter for revalidation of studies $2,950
Comparability study per course
Undergraduate 2 units at current cost
Diploma Fee $20,300
Maestría SEP Diploma Fee $12,200
Word transcription of Professional Degree Diploma 1 unit at current cost
Late Diploma Fee 1 unit at current cost
Diploma for certificate academic program $6,300
Admission Fee (one-time) $13,900
Selection exam for Medical Surgeon: Prospectus $4,500
Medical exam $1,670
Late medical exam fee $835

Differential fees

The student must enroll in at least 30 units per semester at undergraduate level; otherwise, an additional unit fee will be charged as follows:

Enrollment units Additional Units to Pay

From 1 to 11 units

4 units

From 12 to 17 units

3 units

From 18 to 23 units

2 units

From 24 to 29 units

1 unit 

* Does not apply to students who have finished 90% of required units.

Late fees

Late tuition fee

Regardless of when the tuition advance payment is made, if the student registers after the regular period, an additional fee of one unit will be charged to his/her account statement.

Late medical exam fee

All new students who take their medical exam after their first registered period will have to pay a late medical exam fee of $835 mexican pesos.

  • Information valid for Fall 2024.
  • Fees subject to change without previous notice.

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