Pagos y colegiaturas - Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Pagos y colegiaturas - Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Enrollment payments - New students

Registration Fees


Payment Concept Cost - Mexican pesos
Spring 2025
Tuition Advance
Undergraduate program, six units * $21,540
Hybrid Master’s program by Trimester, four units * $17,760
Doctoral program, six units $28,800
Health insurance, coverage by semester
does not apply to Residential Colleges students
One-time admission fee** $14,875
Medical exam**
Pay at Unicaja UDLAP or at Multipagos website ***

*IMPORTANT: When using Banorte, you must make the advance tuition payment two business days prior the registration date. Payments made at BBVA, HSBC and Santander will appear in the Account Statement 30 minutes after the deposit is made. Banorte payments will be reflected in 24 hours.

** Exclusive fees for new students.

*** Link to make payments

You must choose the option: Examen médico

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • Payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.
  • The student must pay the "SEP fee" that the Secretary of Public Education establishes.
  • Newly registered students must follow the current guidelines.


Review your checklist.
FAQs - New Students

What is a unit?

A unit is the course’s hours per class ratio. A course is normally 6 units for undergraduate. An undergraduate student enrolls in an average of 6 courses per semester, equivalent to 36 units

How can I calculate the cost of my semester?

The cost of the UDLAP unit is $3,590* mexican pesos for all undergraduate programs. To calculate the tuition, multiply the number of registered academic units by the unit cost. The minimum number of units to take is 30 per semester (5 courses of 6 units).

Example for a semester tuition:
$3,590 * x 30 units = $107,700 mexican pesos (minimum number of required units)
$3,590 * x 36 units = $129,240 mexican pesos (average number of units)

*This cost corresponds to the Spring 2025 period and it is subject to change without previous notice.

What payments do I have to make?

Before Starting Classes

Tuition advance $21,540 mexican pesos (6 units)

IMPORTANT: The tuition advance payment made through banks must be made two business days prior to the registration date. Payments made at BBVA, HSBC and Santander will appear on the student's Account Statement 30 minutes after payment. Banorte payments will be reflected in 24 hours.

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • These payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.

Medical exam $1,790 mexican pesos (one-time fee)

You must pay for this exam at the UDLAP Unicaja before January 10th, 2025. Students from Medical Surgeon undergraduate program are exempt of this payment.

All new students who take their medical exam after their first registered period will have to pay a penalty fee of $895 mexican pesos.

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • These payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.

One-time admission fee payment $14,875 (one-time fee)

You pay this fee just once when enrolling in the undergraduate program. It must be paid before January 10th, 2025.

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • These payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.

One-Time Admission Fee for Residential Colleges $5,125 mexican pesos (one-time fee)

This payment is for students who enroll in the Residential Colleges Cain-Murray, Ray Lindley, Ignacio Bernal, José Gaos and Fernando Macías Rendón.

You pay this fee once, whether you live in Residential Colleges during your entire university career or only for one or more semesters.

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • These payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.

SEP Fee of $115 mexican pesos (cost per enrolled period.) Fee subject to change without previous notice

This payment must be made before January 27th, 2025.

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • These payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.

Major Medical Expenses Insurance Payment (GNP)

The payment will only be required to those students who do not provide their personal valid policy of major medical expenses insurance, within the periods established by the Student Insurance Department.

To submit your insurance policy visit:

Term Dates to provide policy Interest-free payment periods Cost (MXN)
Semester Programs
From 13th to 21st January, 2025 From 23rd to 27th January, 2025 $4,500 *
Spring I
Trimester Programs
From 8th to 21st January, 2025 From 23rd to 27th January, 2025 $4,500 **

UDLAP Insurance department webpage:

Email address:

* Does not apply to residents of Residential Colleges, nor for students of the Nursing program.
** In the event that the Major Medical Expenses Insurance is charged during the period of Spring I, this will cover the periods of Spring I and Spring II.

  • Information valid for Spring 2025.
  • These payments are non-refundable and subject to change without previous notice.

Payments Due After the Beginning of the Semester

Payment of pending tuition balance and, if applicable, balance of Residential Colleges (per enrolled period)

Use one of the following payment methods:

Cash payment

Pay the tuition balance, residential colleges balance (if applicable), or other pending fees from January 23rd to 27th, 2025.

Deferred payments

Make four payments for tuition and residential colleges (if applicable), assuming a financial cost of 3.2% * monthly interest over the unpaid balance.

1st payment: January 29th - 31st
2nd payment: February 24th - 28th
3rd payment: March 25th - 31st
4th payment: April 24th - 30th

You must consult the monthly payment amounts from the first day of payment on your student’s account statement at: If the monthly payments are not made on time, a monthly 6% arrears interest will be charged on the outstanding balance.

Fees and percentages correspond to Spring 2025 period, and are subject to change without notice.

Where and how do I pay?

Information valid for Spring 2025.

Can I pay for the Residential Colleges in cash and for tuition in monthly payments?

No. However, you can make advance payments, which will apply indistinctly to the oldest charges. Making anticipated payments reduces the amount due for financial interest fees.

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