The program of Hotel and Restaurant Administration aims to provide you with knowledge and abilities needed so you can be successful. Upon completion, you will master fundamental aspects of your area so you can carry out all the activities that companies may require. You will also be qualified for specializations or graduate study in local and foreign institutions. As a professional in Hotel and Restaurant Administration you will be able to work in resorts, cruise ships, spas and many other places, with full command of tourism and areas of hospitality and food.
As a professional in Hotel and Restaurant Administration, you will understand the relevance of tourism in the global environment, especially in the hotel and restaurant industry, among others. You will have the ability to plan and carry out management strategies, and correctly evaluate and apply management techniques.
Specific objective
As well as expanding your initial aptitudes, in Hotel and Restaurant Administration you will:
- Supplement your learning experience with trips, visits and exchanges.
- Establish and hold agreements of professional practices with the best hotels and restaurants in the country and abroad, so you can have the best experience.
- Teach you to offer services with quality and warmth.
- Provide you an environment that is suitable for learning.
- Offer you an academic program that can be strengthened continually and systematically.
- Foster in you a desire to learn and improve in a permanent way.
- Conviction to work for the common good and to strive for success.
- Vision to accomplish goals through learning.
- Ability to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive world.
- Leadership in developing and managing projects.
- Predilection for the administration of companies dedicated to the hospitality industry.
At the end of your studies, having acquired new knowledge and expanded your abilities, you will have:
- Ability to design strategies and business plans that allow a company to meet tactical and strategic objectives.
- Expertise in the creation of exportation projects and marketing plans adjusted to market conditions in an international environment.
- Skills in administrative technology in the areas of marketing, finance, operations and human resources of companies that focus on international business.
- Ability to use different diagnostic and evaluation techniques to solve specific problems.
- Knowledge of the different legal, political, and bureaucratic systems that exist in international businesses.