Program Overview
Imagen Conoce
Pleca Conoce

The master is designed to prepare leaders in business administration and management of operations projects with different styles of stewardship applied with strategic perspective, and using recruiting, development, and retention processes for human talent to plan their optimal performance in line with the corporate culture of the company.




To increase the managerial skills of professional leaders to manage organizations that, through the use of models, techniques, and vanguard strategies, promote the growth and good management of companies and projects under their care. To graduate leaders who are committed to a corporate culture with ethics and social responsibility.




The applicant must have finished a licenciatura in Business, Social Science, Science and Engineering, Design, Arts or Humanities and be able to understand the different functional areas of a company and their daily operations. They must have at least five years of work experience.




Upon completion of this master, the graduate will

  • Develop mid to long term strategies to analyze different situations or problems identified among diverse interest groups in order to develop world-class companies.
  • Design processes to undertake new business ideas through proactive and innovative perspectives, evaluating risks in order to advance and meet market needs.
  • Compare business development projects with a systematic vision, using information technologies and specialized software to solve problems in all functional areas of an organization.
  • Choose from methods and models learned in the program those that allow an organization’s growth to respond to moments of crisis.
  • Analyze information and data, applying a conceptual focus of process innovation and creation of future business to propose proactive and visionary ideas.
  • Understand the fundamentals of management, organization, and control at all organizational levels, using senior management methodologies to guarantee the successful operation of all types of institutions.




  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or related areas of the administrative economic-accounting, social, architectural, and engineering sciences.
  • Updated Resume.
  • Complete the admission process.
  • For more information about benefits:

Ph.: +52 (222) 229 23 13, Toll Free in Mexico: 01 800 227 74 00 ext. 2313

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