Program Overview
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Given UDLAP commitment to academic excellence, Knowledge, acquired by students, is expected to be of high-level, deep, significant, critical, innovative and socially relevant, that allows them to solve effectively professional problems, both theoretical and practical, leaving behind superficial, mechanical and non-reflective learning.

The doctorate program in Intelligent Systems aims to train researchers with the ability to innovate in the design and implementation of mathematical models and systems to solve, with creativity and sensitivity, different applications in areas such as computer science, electronics, automation, and/or biomedical engineering with attractive and beneficial results to industrial sectors and society; as well as to promote the development of new technologies with leadership, commitment, responsibility, and ethics in industry, research centers and academic institutions. This will be possible through the dedication of the students to the program, research projects, groups associated with the research lines of the program, publishing of results in journals, dissemination of research activities in national and international forums, professionalism and sensitivity in social contexts, engagement in continuous learning.

  • To promote the doctorate program to recruit candidates of high academic standards in the selection process.
  • To increase the number of publications in indexed journals by the faculty that integrate the program through the collaboration of doctoral students.
  • To link the doctorate program with faculty and students from other national and international universities.
  • To contribute to the generation of new knowledge on different lines of research of the program through the development of thesis projects by the students.
  • To provide professionals with skills to do research so that they can exercise in companies or as academics in higher education institutions.

The student who wishes to enter is required a bachelor degree in areas related to the doctoral curriculum (areas of engineering, physical science - mathematics, computer science or equivalent). The student must take a general knowledge test as well as an English test that proves the level of proficiency in the language.

A graduate from the doctorate program on Intelligent Systems program is a professional trained to carry out research work. The graduate is an expert and leader in the field, dynamic and competitive, prepared to respond to the changing landscape of information technology. The graduate is a high-level professional prepared for exercising tasks of design, implementation and evaluation of computer systems, and is also trained to develop cutting-edge technology and to participate in multidisciplinary projects. Likewise, the graduate can exercise teaching assignments both at undergraduate and graduate level.

At the end of the program the student:

  • Knows methodologies for selection and review of research in the area of interest through the collection of related bibliography to identify the background of a research project, as well as for research proposals.
  • Evaluates research articles and masters the procedures for preparation, development and publication of an article through review of literature in the area of interest and discussions with faculty and students.
  • Plans, develops and carries out proposed executive proposals for research and technological development seeking financial efficiency and emerging technological trends and new lines of research with the purpose of developing research with high scientific, technological and socio-economic impact.
  • Collaborates and is part of research networks through the use of platforms, technology and protocols to enrich experience when it comes to criticize or assimilate research from other academic peers.
  • Dedicates efforts to the completion of a research project through the interaction with a mentor, colleagues and academic peers to generate a product of innovative scientific and technological impact with publications in indexed journals and involvement in conferences.


Report and suitability of full-time teachers by research line

  • Signal Processing. Four professors participate in this line, direct doctoral theses, teach courses, and publish in areas of interest related to the research line. Research is carried out in the following areas of interest: Digital signal processing, computer vision, optical communications, security in communications networks, prediction, signals and systems, and extraction of characteristics.

    1. Dr. Vicente Alarcón Aquino - Areas of interest: cybersecurity, network monitoring, anomaly detection, wavelets, and multi-resolution analysis.
    2. Dr. Pedro Bañuelos Sánchez - Areas of interest: his fields of interest are power factor correction, power quality, power converters for nonconventional energy sources, wind energy, and photovoltaic energy.
    3. Dr. Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza - Areas of interest: optoelectronics for the sensing of electrical signals, high-capacity optical communications systems, and optical fiber devices with biomedical applications. Adjusting bandwidth in microwave signals. Adjusting the range of a notch filter in fiber optics by adjusting the optical link length. Photonic filters in microwaves.
    4. Dr. César Martínez Torres - Areas of interest: fault tolerant control and control of unmanned aerial vehicles, and aerial, terrestrial, and industrial robotics.
  • Biomedical Systems. Three professors participate in this line, direct doctoral theses, teach courses, and publish in areas of interest related to the research line. Research is carried out in the following areas of interest: Recognition of patterns in biomedical signals, analysis of medical images, brain-computer interfaces, imaging, and biophotonics.

    1. Dr. Juan Horacio Espinoza Rodríguez - Areas of interest: Monte Carlo simulation for light excitation tissue analysis, machine learning application for protein interaction analysis, and in vitro irradiation of sensitive molecules to light for therapeutic purposes.
    2. Dr. Roberto Rosas Romero - Areas of interest: recognition of patterns in biomedical signals, processing of biomedical signals, analysis of medical images, extraction and classification of traits of biomedical signals for disease diagnosis.
    3. Dr. Rocío Salazar Varas - Areas of interest: biomedical signal processing, electroencephalography signals, brain-computer interfaces.
  • Artificial Intelligence. Four teachers participate in this line, carry out projects, teach courses, and publish in areas of interest related to the research line. Research is carried out in the following areas of interest: Heuristic algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, convex optimization, whole and combinatorial programming, intelligent agents, and human-computer interaction:

    1. Dr. Juan Antonio Díaz García - Areas of interest: accurate and heuristic algorithms for complete programming and combinatorial problems related to logistics and manufacturing systems.
    2. Dr. Zobeida Jezabel Guzmán Zavaleta - Areas of interest: digital content analysis, computational vision, image processing, video processing, watermarking, machine learning, and deep learning.
    3. Dr. Miguel Ángel Reyes Cortés - Areas of interest: Compositional data and functional regression. His primary research in statistics is the non-parametric estimation of curves.
    4. Dr. Oleg Starostenko Basarab - Areas of interest: multimedia information access, transmission, recovery, and processing systems.

Other topics of interest

Note: offering of the program is subject to the number of students enrolled.

For more information contact:

Research and Graduate Studies Office
Tel.: +52 222 229 20 00 ext. 2725 and 6005

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