Program Overview
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As a graduate from the Bachelor of Law, you will be able to interpret and argue in legal environments through the analysis of national and international legislation, and to propose solutions to legal problems in a manner that is congruent with the ethical principles that rule the profession, prioritizing the use of alternate media to solve controversies.

Once you have finished your study program, you will have a bachelor´s degree in addition to a licenciatura degree.  Therefore, your studies will be recognized worldwide.

In addition to enhancing your entry skills, at the Licenciatura in Law we propose to:

  • Train you thoroughly in the traditional areas of law and in vanguard legal subjects.
  • Prepare you to take advantage of information and communication technologies to practice your profession.
  • Develop in you the necessary competencies to solve legal problems efficiently and effectively.
  • Prepare you to use alternative mechanisms to solve national and international conflicts.
  • Train you to successfully join the job market.
  • Teach you to participate in the creation, interpretation, and application of laws.
  • Encourage your capacity to solve social conflicts and to negotiate between groups.
  • Interested in understanding the lawmaking process.
  • Likes to solve conflicts through dialogue and negotiation.
  • Willing to work for the greater good and to be successful.
  • Determined to achieve goals through learning.
  • Able to distinguish alternative mechanisms to resolve controversies, and different alternatives to criminal proceedings, through the analysis of internal regulations to efficiently solve problems.
  • Masters the structure and functions of the executive, legislative, and judicial functions, and analyzes regulations and jurisprudence to devise congruent legal strategies.
  • Knows how to discern the advantages and disadvantages of international commercial arbitrage, analyzing the international laws in order to formulate effective strategies in the global commercial environment.
  • Capable of analyzing regulatory principles and relevant facts, through the construction of justified arguments to solve legal problems.
  • Interprets international regulations in the public and private sector by reviewing international treaties that are applicable in conflicts between the State and individuals.
  • Identifies the relevance of legal and jurisprudential decisions, analyzing the legislation and adequately applying it to solve problems.
Check the previous academic program: Program 2012
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