
UDLAP differs from other universities because of its extensive natural spaces. Their care and conservation are a priority for the university.

Because we are a green campus, the university community is in constant contact with nature; thus, as part of your comprehensive education and the UDLAP experience, respect for all wildlife that shares our environment is of the utmost importance.

During your stay at the university, you may enjoy our gardens with their trees, flowers, plants and animals on a daily basis; carry out outdoor activities while enjoying the view of our gardens and their ecosystems.

The colors that fill our natural areas with beauty let you forget it all and relax and find inspiration; you can experience colors, aromas, activities, and nature’s display while you walk through the university.

Enjoy UDLAP’s wildlife!

We recommend that you read under the cool shade of a tree, accompanied by the relaxing songs from a variety of birds from this region; or enjoy a bicycle ride while you see beautiful flowers and the different green hues of our gardens.

Nothing compares to the foliage of our trees! Or the brisk cool air caressing your face while you are on your way to class; or to see a landscape covered with dew after an afternoon shower.

You cannot mistake the seasons of the year in our gardens: the distinctive hues of each season make our natural spaces lovely and colorful, making it difficult to choose a favorite.

From the bright summer colors to the ochre, orange and olive of fall; or maybe the lavender of the jacarandas in spring or the clear blue sky of winter, the landscape becomes familiar and dear to our community along the years. 

And don’t forget our emblematic lake, where you may find the green of the trees combined with the lake’s mirror a favorite place to take some of the most beautiful photographs of the campus, home to the ever present university ducks and an occasional heron or egret during migratory season.

Home to natural landscapes that few universities in the country can offer, UDLAP’s green campus is a source of pride and admiration for all its members.