Description: Provide advice and support, during the process, to the graduating candidates, as they need it, as well as the process towards titling.

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ProcedureRemoteFace to FaceDescriptionCost

Degree graduation

ok servicio UDLAP


Start the process of interested students, to start the graduation process. Validate the fulfillment of administrative and academic requirements.


Certificate application parcial/total


ok servicio UDLAP

Official document that contains the completed classes and approved according to the students plan of study.


Receipt of Physical photos of graduating candidates


Face to face or
via service

Package of physical photographs to create examination records or exemption and total transcripts.


Delivery of professional exam certificate or exam exemption


ok servicio UDLAP

Documents from recent graduates can be requested and demonstrates that they have presented their exams or are exempt.


Delivery of title, diploma or degree (electric or physical)


ok servicio UDLAP

Validate and register the information necessary to elaborate online/electronic titles from UDLAP, which will be given in conjunction with the original documentation turned in when admitted.


Information about processes and procedures for graduation and or titling

ok servicio UDLAP


Provide necessary information of dates, characteristics of photographs, link to register for graduation application, etc; follow up registration until you receive emission of the electronic title.


Phone: 222 229 2000 extensions: 5233, 2021 and 4790