As a professional in Digital Animation, you will use different animation technologies, computer simulators and videogames to solve problems in diverse areas.  Additionally, you will learn to apply techniques and processes of this field that allow you to diagnose, analyze, evaluate and implement solutions.



As a professional in Digital Animation, you will create audiovisual products through the use of computers, including videogames, digital applications and audiovisual simulators.  Likewise, you will develop materials in a critical, innovative and creative way for different contexts, such as: science, politics, research, education and training.   Additionally, you will have the ability to manage activities related to the development process of animation projects and other systems.

Specific Objective

In your studies in Digital Animation, you will be able to:

  • Analyze theoretical and practical fundamentals that allow you to develop new digital animation solutions.

  • Understand the key concepts to develop digital animations, audiovisual products and videogames.

  • Develop an analytical and critical mind to find areas of opportunity where animation and digital media can be applied.

  • Integrate the theoretical, methodological, technical and practical foundations to detect needs and opportunities to solve problems in this field.

  • Develop digital animation and videogames through computer applications for diverse electronic devices that meet the needs of different markets.

  • Implement, manage and evaluate digital animation projects and similar applications to guarantee product quality.



  • Conviction to work for the common good and to strive for success.

  • Openness in the area of knowledge, culture and interpersonal relations.

  • Vision to accomplish goals through learning.

  • Predilection for technological advances within the communication media.

  • Interest in understanding the process of videogame creation.



At the end of your studies, having advanced your education and increased your abilities, you will also have:

  • Ability to design animation work to respond to specific opportunities and needs.

  • Dexterity to create digital animation applications, computer audio-visual simulators, video games and other materials.

  • Capacity to imagine and develop animation projects and interactive audio-visual elements.

  • Expertise to analyze computer programs, within a theoretical and practical framework, to develop digital animation projects, image design, and story and character planning, as well as digital animation processes.

  • Experience to manage activities related to the development of digital animation projects and other systems.

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