Train professionals capable of evaluating, adapting and designing energy generation, distribution and management processes within the current legal framework, as well as using technologies for the efficient and sustainable transformation of the various primary sources of energy, both fossil and renewable; and secondary, such as electricity and fuels, by linking theoretical and experimental courses, simulation and integration laboratories where they acquire the knowledge and develop the necessary skills that allow them to contribute to the solution of the energy needs of industry and society.



The graduate of the Bachelor of Energy Engineering will be able to:

  • Solve mathematical models, through the use of equations for their application in energy engineering problems.

  • Select basic theories of physicochemistry, through the analysis of key concepts that allow understanding the interaction of matter and energy as well as its use in the production and use of energy.

  • Solve balances of mass and energy, through the analysis of conservation laws, in order to determine the energy flows of different materials for proper use.

  • To use the different existing information technologies, as well as free and patent computer programs, to apply them in the search for new technological solutions in the area of fossil and renewable energies.

  • Select the prediction models for the properties of substances through the analysis of transport processes as well as unit operations, to specify the basic criteria for the design of energy transport equipment.

  • Classify renewable energy by listing their attributes and limitations to specify the best sustainable energy solutions.

  • Determine energy conversion processes of materials through the study of oil and its derivatives, in order to specify the best sequences for the production of clean hydrocarbons.


The competences, skills and attitudes that the graduate will develop are:

  • Use mathematical knowledge with precision, through the recognition of equations and balances to incorporate technical applications with theoretical support, using them in the different areas of energy generation.

  • Design and carry out experiments; analyze and interpret data, through the identification of variables, selection and operation of equipment and pertinent analytical techniques as well as the evaluation of the results to perform adequately in a laboratory and communicate truthful and timely information for decision making.

  • Designing products and processes for the generation, production, conversion and storage of energy, through the application of specialized knowledge and practice thereof, to develop solutions that consider the technical, social, economic, environmental, ethical and safety implications.

  • Identify energy problems by evaluating theories, concepts, models, computer programs and field and laboratory equipment that allow you to propose solutions with cutting-edge tools.



  • Conduct experiments to measure the properties and behaviors of different forms of energy by conducting laboratory analysis in order to adequately monitor energy research centers.

  • Design equipment for the synthesis and refining of hydrocarbons, through the use of phase equilibrium theories and catalytic chemical reaction for the elaboration of fuels with higher energy contents and profitable processes.

  • Solve problems of conversion of solar energy into photovoltaic and thermal, through the use of storage and conversion equipment, to achieve energy availability based on demand.

  • Diagram the energy exchange processes through the use of computational tools for the visualization of energy flows and the approach of solution models.

  • Compare energy supply alternatives from different sources through the use of mathematical models that allow discriminating the best solutions from the technical-economic point of view.



  • Select energy technologies that cause the least environmental impact, by identifying their effects to specify solutions that respect the environment.

  • Assess the socioeconomic impacts of energy technologies, using ethical criteria to specify solutions for the benefit of society.

  • Take responsibility for the continuous professional updating in issues related to energy engineering through permanent training that allows good professional practices.

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