Personal Safety Suggestions

Crime prevention begins with knowledge. How do criminals operate? You would be surprised to know that they look for opportunity.

How can you prevent crime? Find out about those opportunities before the criminals do and modify accordingly. How can I protect myself? You don't necessarily need physical strength agility and speed. What you do need is to be alert, cautious, trust yourself and your friend. If you need to shout, say "FIRE!"  It will bring people running more than shouting the word "help" would.

Stay in constant communication with your residential college RA and other college authorities, and with your close friends and classmates. We need to take better care of each other and the best way to do that by telling people where we will be, who we work with and what we are doing. That way any suspicious situation can be detected and risks can be lowered. We should also be informed of what we can do to heighten our safety. Remember that there is strength in numbers. LET'S WORK TOGETHER.

Do not accept opened or prepared drinks at clubs; instead drink from bottles that are opened right in front of you, because anything else might contain drugs. Never go alone; always go in groups.

Preventive police and security guards will always make their best effort to protect you, but they can't be in all places at all times. That's why it's important for each person to take responsibility for their own safety.



This document does not contain a complete list of all of the safety precautions you can take. Nor are they a one-size-fits-all solution. However, if we get together and create task forces, we can generate new preventive actions that will help ensure our safety and tranquility. We must not be indifferent; we must fight back. We need to combine our intelligence, creativity, efforts, solidarity and resources to protect ourselves from crime and delinquency. Remember that two heads are better than one.

It is better to be safe than to be sorry.