For emit a complaint / suggestion in the electronic mailbox, enter HERE.
You will receive an e-mail message (if you are a member of the university community it will be on your account) confirming receipt of the suggestion/complaint and informing you that the comment has been sent to the area involved for further attention. The office or area cited does not have access to any personal or identifying information. In the event that your personal information must be used in order to determine the context of the complaint, or to ensure that you receive appropriate attention, you will be formally requested to authorize the use of your personal information.
After the area involved has responded to your suggestion or complaint, you will receive an e-mail stating how you can consult the response.
Once you have checked the response, you will need to confirm if you are satisfied with it or not. If you are not satisfied, you must indicate the reason for your inconformity so that the area involved may issue a second response. If the Office of Planning and Evaluation does not receive further feedback, it will not be able to follow up on your complaint and the suggestion/complaint process will be considered finished.