To process your request, you will need to:
For payments made in: | Last day to request the invoice | It will be issued with a date of: |
January |
Thursday, January 30th |
January |
February |
Thursday, February 27th |
February |
March |
Friday, March 28th |
March |
April |
Tuesday, April 29th |
April |
May |
Thursday, May 29th |
May |
June |
Friday, June 27th |
June |
July |
Wednesday, July 30th |
July |
August |
Friday, August 29th |
August |
September |
Monday, September 29th |
September |
October |
Thursday, October 30th |
October |
November |
Friday, November 28th |
November |
December |
Tuesday, December 30th |
December |
NOTE: For payments made on the last day of the month, the request must be made on the same day. Please remember that if the request is not submitted on time, it will not be possible to issue an invoice for payments from previous months.
If you need additional information, please contact us Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at extensions 4625 / 4619 or by email
Accounting Department
Telephone: 222 229 2000 Ext. 4311