Program Overview
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As a graduate from the Bachelor of Chemical Pharmaceutical Biology, you will be able to evaluate pharmaceutical products and health consumables and promote their rational use, evaluating them throughout the production process, and acting to guarantee their safety, quality, and efficiency for consumers. You will also be able to organize pharmaceutical services in hospitals and pharmacies, and to develop integral solutions for the chemical-pharmaceutical and health industries, contributing to the wellbeing of the population with a focus on quality and on serving society.

Once you have finished your study program, you will have a bachelor´s degree in addition to a licenciatura degree. Therefore, your studies will be recognized worldwide.

In addition to enhancing your entry skills, at the Licenciatura in Pharmaceutical Sciences we propose to:

  • Strengthen your skills in using modern technologies and their applications in the pharmaceutical area.
  • Increase your knowledge in the pharmaceutical area, so you will be able to work in health and industry teams.
  • Give you the necessary skills and knowledge to organize and direct pharmaceutical services.
  • Provide you with an education based on research.
  • Give you a professional practice focused on experience.
  • Empower you to pursue further studies in graduate school.
  • Train you in critical and ethical thinking, and foster in you a sense of social responsibility.
  • Desires to improve the quality of life of patients who receive pharmacological treatments.
  • Is curious to understand how the pharmaceutical industry and research are developed in our country.
  • Wants to work for the greater good, and to achieve success as a member of a health team.
  • Is eager to reach goals through learning.
  • Able to develop formulas with vanguard medical applications by obtaining, characterizing, and analyzing pharmaceutical chemical compounds.
  • Proficient in evaluating pharmaceutical products and supplies in all stages of the production process – guaranteeing control and quality – to promote the rational use of medications and support programs that promote health and disease prevention.
  • Can evaluate the health-disease processes by interpreting the identification of their molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms; and to collaborate in multidisciplinary groups focused on preventing, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring the health problems that affect the country’s population.
  • Able to identify current challenges in pharmacology, and to discover and develop new medicines through the analysis of their behavior in the organism and the circumstances that modify a pharmacological treatment’s response.
  • Expert in the design of experiments on pharmacokinetic parameters in humans and animals, through the formulation, quality control, and administration of drugs to optimize pharmacotherapies in clinical practice, thus determining the interchangeability of medicines in the development of new products.
Check the previous academic program: Program 2012
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